Archive of September, 2015

Short-termism. A new concept that defines our way of acting and which goes far beyond a football field. Think of the immediacy, in the compulsive consumption, today and now... Ideas all of them daughters of our time and, obviously, not beyond football. El cortoplacismo es malicioso y común en la élite, but it is still more damaging when it comes to football. It may be understandable that a football club's first level, where in game can have many millions, interests or feelings intertwined, lulled in making decisions and prioritize the immediacy. But that way of acting never can be extrapolated to grassroots football.


Lo importante a cortas edades no es el resultado ni el título obtenido, but the process and the capacity that have children to absorb knowledge, understand the game and soak up a correct ethic. That conditions us when making decisions and leadeth us into a virtuous circle in which the coach and their interests are in the middle of the process. How a technician can think long-term if you only will be a year with those players? How a coach can put in game victory giving priority to training?El entrenador debe hacer un esfuerzo ético, swim on occasions to countercurrent but be full. We will try to show some small reflections to succeed and not be carried away by the trend of short-termism.

1. The teaching of the school: We will not put today's education as the paradigm of teaching, but that there may be parallels that we can take advantage. In the same way that when we went to school there was a process of learning or a program to be followed (more or less successful), it should be in your football club. Coach, as did the teacher, must apply concepts that touch that year, giving priority to that whole group learn them, adapting course is each player, leaving aside if the results go as you expect or not. The important thing is to get to June and that the greater numbers of children have learned and understood what was playing.

2. The character of the child: Appraise all in children to build their character from well small. It is necessary to have an ethical and consistent attitude with them because at a very young age can understand as our daily attitudes lack integrity. What do we mean? Very simple. Coach can be throughout the week or all workouts insisting on a series of guidelines and concepts which then, in the middle of the match, changes them to win it. It is the largest of the contradictions. We are, as one would say and forgive the expression, selling our soul to the devil. We have sold us again to the short-termism.

3. Other sports: A swimmer or athlete is passed half career learning the technique of their sport and the other enhancing qualities and improving year after year with the goal of swimming or running a hundredths faster. In no time they bring into play its technology or abilities for a victory. There can be no sports so academic and a clearer example. There is a goal that cannot be moved or advance, and there is a process by which we all have to go. The goal is important and to reach it must follow the entire process, without interference, without cortoplacismos. Bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.

4. Reward in the future: When all desire is wonderful. You think you the best trainer, a kind of estagirita that has made miracles with those players. It is very likely that, to get that Cup, you've buried your integrity values, you've submitted your team in a harmful short-termism which, years later, will blink both humanly and football: players not that do not accept the defeat, others when rushing the result is not favourable or, worse yet, left football because they have not grown up with that integrity and have not forged a proper sporting character. Cases like these there are many. How many players that you've trained have a proper sports attitude and have developed all its capabilities? Get a day this reflection.

Podríamos seguir enumerando ideas, reflexiones, pero creemos que la idea hay quedado clara. Tú decides si seguir siendo un cortoplacista o no. Será tu forma de entender este deporte y la vida.