Archivo de entradas de December, 2017

Dream of children



Few weeks ago, a Lord was put in touch with me and told me that I had a son who loved soccer but I had a problem and that if he could go see him play to advise you about the future of the child. I asked him that it was more or less and the told me that her son loved football but that the saw had no conditions to become a footballer, and that if he could teach him some things and skills to have a chance to become professional. I asked him how many years had the child and told me that 9. Uff, thought I, that error by the father, as you may think that your child will not be footballer at that age if the child wants is have fun and play with his friends. There is the first mistake, parents. Because we put that pressure, because we want to live our children kindergarten and put him in the head a thought or a frustrated dream or not of an adult.
You have a problem said Mr. But the problem is you, not your child.

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