Connecting with the player


Interpersonal relationships are key to the proper management of a group of players. The factor of age difference between player and coach, which is standard, sharpens the difficulty of communication between the two sides. The coach is more accustomed to communicating with explanations of concepts are very abstract and not easily understood by the player. Using real match situations or graphic examples with a plain and direct language, would overcome that barrier and would improve the development of our game plan on game day.

We present a series of points that should fix our roadmap and we should not ignore when we consider connect with the players:

1. Adapted to the context: Las “enseñanzas” del entrenador no pueden ser iguales con cada grupo ni en diferentes clubes. El buen entrenador es aquel que sabe modificar y cambiar sus explicaciones en función de los intereses de los jugadores, de las características del club, de la plantilla que tiene y del contexto que le rodea… No debe existir un plan de juego inamovible. No debemos ser insensibles a estos aspectos ya que son los que marcan la diferencia. Por eso existen entrenadores que son brillantes en algunos equipos y en el momento en el que fichan por un nuevo club y esa “magia” se destruye, fracasan estrepitosamente. Los maestros tenemos muy en cuenta ese factor porque os garantizo que no se puede enseñar igual en un colegio con alumnado de clase social alta que en otro con alumnado más desfavorecido.

2. Worrying about your problems: Desde nuestro rol de entrenador, no debemos mostrarnos insensibles ante lo que rodea al fútbol: padres, prensa, ambiente, situación personal de los jugadores… Nos perjudica muchísimo dar la imagen de profesional que viene a hacer su trabajo y luego se va. Hay que tener empatía con los recursos humanos que manejamos, hablar mucho con los jugadores, ayudar con nuestros consejos, agradecer y valorar las opiniones que nos den… Ayuda mucho adoptar una relación de cercanía con los jugadores, utilizando mucho el leguaje gestual. En definitiva, los jugadores deben saber que vamos a estar ahí, que nos vamos a implicar y hacer lo posible para minimizar sus preocupaciones.

3. Maintain our good relationsIt is very important to preserve the friendships we have with the players, even when they have ceased to be their coaches. It is the biggest indicator that we are not "pass" in the clubs. Establish a connection makes it last a lifetime. Reciprocity of this relationship makes these players speak well of us and our method and that if we need if we are training a player at another club, the players do not hesitate when joining our team.

4. Listening, not only to direct: Players can never think that their opinions are indifferent to the coach. A good coach must be an excellent communicator but not only that. We must ask the players for game situations that opinion have on the game plan. If they are the ones that target we should be assertive and always respect your opinion. It is essential to use moments of training to speak individually with players and ask them as they are or how they feel.

5. Prevent the injustices: Mantener la cabeza fría y ser coherente con tu discurso es quizás el punto más importante para evitar que el vestuario se descontrole y pierda la confianza en ti. No podemos solucionar el mismo conflicto de maneras diferentes a lo largo de una misma temporada. Debemos reflexionar sobre el código de conducta a aplicar y mantener nuestro criterio sin diferenciar si el jugador es titular o suplente. Dudar de su profesionalidad debe ser una línea roja. Si los jugadores ven que juega más el que se queja, el que habla más con el entrenador o no se sanciona igual a jugadores que son “estrellas” del equipo, perderemos la condición de ser imparciales y objetivos. Nuestros días en el club estarán contados en cuanto los resultados vayan mal.

6. Learn to know the players wellEach "coach-players" relationship is a learning process for both sides, training our experience makes us easier to adapt to it. It is good to see things from a "pedestal" have to get to the level of the players who are the skin left on the field every day. Dialogue is good. We should not mind listen to ideas they have on certain aspects of the game plan. They should recognize and acknowledge when they have had a brilliant idea and we have strong arguments to rebut when you consider that your proposal is not the right one. Yes, always with respect and not contempt for the other party involved.

7. Make the rules more flexibles: It should not be the general trend, but we must listen to the player before sanctioning or reprimanding him for an attitude, no matter how guilty it may seem. Sometimes, there may be some external condition that justifies their lack of punctuality, respect or commitment to the team. We have to be very patient, the screams and fuss do not contribute to make the player react. In the event of making the rules more flexible with someone, we must explain the reason to the rest of the squad so as not to provoke gossip about alleged favoring of certain players.

8. Raise your self esteemAs coaches, our confidence on campus must be unlimited. Caring for the "emotional health" of our players is a priority. Everything we say or do has a consequence on the self-esteem of the players. It is key to avoid value judgments and constant criticism. If we consider that the team does everything wrong, you should select a series of points to emphasize and forget not say good things too. Use positive expressions as "I trust you", "I know you are going to achieve it" or "you can do" help more ferocious and destructive criticism.

9. Share a hobby or activity: Siempre ayuda mantener conversaciones informales con los jugadores sobre aspectos de nuestras vidas personales. Los jugadores también deben conocer los gustos y aficiones del entrenador. El factor de compartir determinados ídolos musicales o deportivos, asistir a eventos, afición por alguna serie televisiva o practicar alguna actividad como ciclismo o running en nuestro tiempo libre, ayuda a hacer grupo. Y no debemos olvidar que el entrenador también debe ser parte de ese grupo aunque no deba ponerse al mismo nivel que los jugadores siempre.

If we take care of each of these aspects, we will have many more options to make a good season as a club coach. Always be fair and objective is a task of extreme difficulty, so many trainers choose to train in short cycles each team. With perseverance and perseverance, sure conseguis purpose of forming your players and to make a name in the world of football as a benchmark for honesty and adaptability in each club to which you entrenéis.

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